Talk Session: Servicing for Digital Humanities in the Library

There are many models and potential library patrons for digital humanities services in the library.  What services have you offered and to whom and how have been your results?  What systems and tools have you been hosting or training on?  How much project support do you offer?  What have been the most common questions and needs you have been approached with?  Who have you been serving; undergrads, graduate students, faculty, librarians, etc.?  What training do you wish you have?  Lets get together and discuss what we have learned so far in our own institutions and help each other take something back to improve all of our DH programs at home.

Categories: Libraries, Session Proposals, Session: Talk, Teaching |

About Matt Shoemaker

Currently I am exploring on ways for Temple University to become involved with digital humanities through the library and managing the library's Drupal website. Previously I was the Director of Digital Collections and Systems at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania where I built and managed the Digital Center for Americana. I am also currently the archival consultant for the "Dungeons and Dragons: A Documentary" film project and am interested in using games and primary sources for history education.

1 Response to Talk Session: Servicing for Digital Humanities in the Library

  1. rafia says:

    I am a newly made Digital Humanities librarian and am interested the different DH& library models that exist

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